Viewer Authentication API lets you implement custom authentication for authenticating viewers of live and recorded videos served by IBM Video Streaming.
You need the following before you start implementing viewer authentication:
- Channel, which you can create on the Your channels page of your IBM Video Streaming dashboard
- Client id, which you can obtain on the API/SDK access page of your IBM Video Streaming dashboard
- Token, which you can obtain through the IBM Video Streaming authorization endpoint
- Secret key, a string that will be used to create the hash in the authentication response your service passes to the IBM Video Streaming player. This secret key needs to be provided by you.
Viewer authentication flow
To implement the viewer authentication flow you need to create an application that includes the following:
- Screens your viewers need to go through to authenticate
- Backend code that validates these authentication requests
- Process to pass the authentication response to the IBM Video Streaming player

- When the viewer clicks the log in button in the IBM Video Streaming player the entry point of your custom authentication flow is displayed in an iframe in the player.
- When the authentication is completed your service passes an authentication response to the player.
- If the authentication was successful, the player passes the authentication response to IBM Video Streaming infrastructure in a validation request.
- The IBM Video Streaming infrastructure validates the authentication response received from your service and passes a validation response to the player. If the response is positive, the viewer can start watching the video.
Setting up viewer authentication
Channel level
PUT | (format can be json or xml) |
parameter | type | importance | Description |
url | string | REQUIRED | URL of the authentication flow entry point |
secret | string | REQUIRED | Secret key |
HTTP response codes returned when the action is successful:
HTTP response code | Description |
201 Created | Viewer authentication has been set up on the channel with the new hash. |
204 No Content | Viewer authentication has been set up on the channel by updating the existing hash with the new one. |
Specific error codes returned when the action failed:
error value | HTTP response code | Description |
invalid_request | 400 Bad Request | One or more required parameters are missing (secret, url). |
invalid_type | 400 Bad Request | The URL is invalid. |
lack_of_ownership | 403 Forbidden | The api user is not allowed to manage the given channel |
not_found | 404 Not found | Channel not found |
Video level
By default videos inherit the authentication settings from channels but it can be overridden on a video by video basis.
Set up viewer authentication for a video
PUT | |
parameter | type | importance | Description |
url | string | REQUIRED | URL of the authentication flow entry point |
secret | string | REQUIRED | Secret key |
HTTP response code returned when the action is successful:
HTTP response code | Description |
204 No content | Viewer authentication has been set up on the video |
Implementing the authentication response
If the authentication was successful your service has to pass an authentication response to the player. The authentication response must be a JSON encoded array which contains the following:
- list of parameters that have been hashed
- the MD5 hash of the string that has been created by concatenating the parameters and the shared secret key with pipe "|" characters
Example script in PHP for creating the authentication response when the authentication was successful
// We create the array of parameters.
// The parameters can be anything.
$userData = [
"username" => $_GET["user"],
"someString" => "someValue"
// We create the hash by hashing
// the parameters array contents and
// the secret key
// concatenated together with a pipe character.
$hash = md5(implode('|', $userData) . '|' . $SHARED_SECRET_KEY);
// We put the array of parameters and the hash into the response.
$response = array_chunk(
array_merge($userData, ["hash" => $hash]),
// We encode the response into JSON format.
$json = json_encode($response);
To pass the response to the player your service has to redirect the page to the IBM Video Streaming return URL with passing the response in JSON format as a get parameter. You can test the API response at the Hash Authentication Test page.
If the authentication failed your service has to pass a "false" string as the authentication response to the player.
Managing viewer authentication settings
Getting channel viewer authentication settings
GET | (format can be json or xml) |
This request has no parameters.
On success, key-value pairs are returned under a "hashlock" key.
"hashlock": {
"type": "advanced",
"url": "",
"message": null,
"button_caption": null,
"popup_width": "0",
"popup_height": "0"
Specific error codes returned when the action failed:
error value | HTTP response code | Description |
lack_of_ownership | 403 Forbidden | The api user is not allowed to manage the given channel |
not_found | 404 Not found | Channel not found |
Removing channel viewer authentication
DELETE | (format can be json or xml) |
This request has no parameters.
On success the 200 OK HTTP response code is returned.
Specific error codes returned when the action failed:
error value | HTTP response code | Description |
lack_of_ownership | 403 Forbidden | The api user is not allowed to manage the given channel |
not_found | 404 Not found | Channel not found |
Getting video viewer authentication settings
GET | |
This request has no parameters.
On success, key-value pairs are returned under a "hashlock" key.
"hashlock": {
"url": "",
"secret": "TOP_SECRET_KEY"
Specific error codes returned when the action failed:
error value | HTTP response code | Description |
lack_of_ownership | 403 Forbidden | The api user is not allowed to manage the given channel |
not_found | 404 Not found | Video or specific authentication settings not found |
Removing specific video viewer authentication settings
If you remove specific settings then video will inherit the authentication settings from the channel.
This request has no parameters.
On success the 204 No Content HTTP response code is returned.
Specific error codes returned when the action failed:
error value | HTTP response code | Description |
lack_of_ownership | 403 Forbidden | The api user is not allowed to manage the given channel |
not_found | 404 Not found | Video or specific authentication settings not found |
Hash lifetime and expiration
Once is successfully validated by IBM Video Streaming, the player will store the hash in the end user’s browser. This lets the viewer watch the video when returning to the page without having authenticate again.
You can specify an expiration date for the hash. When the viewer returns to the page after the expiration date, she has to authenticate again.
Expiration date has to be
- Specified in UNIX timestamp format
- Part of the hash by concatenating it to the rest of the parameters
- Included in the response object as “hashExpire”.
- JSON encoded as part of the response
Example script in PHP for specifying hash expiration date
// We specify an expiration date as a UNIX timestamp
// which is valid for one hour.
$expiration = time()+3600;
// We concatenate it to the rest of the parameters when creating the hash.
$hash = md5(implode('|', $userData).'|'.$expiration.'|'.$SHARED_SECRET_KEY);
// We include it in the response.
$response = array_chunk(
array_merge($userData, ["hashExpire" => $expiration, "hash" => $hash]),
// We encode the output into JSON format.
$json = json_encode($response);
When validating the authentication response the IBM Video Streaming infrastructure checks
- If the expiration is a past date
- If the expiration was hashed properly
This way we can make sure that the expiration date comes from you and it has not been tampered on the client side.
Using viewer authentication with other services
Besides the player there are some services (such as Chat, Q&A and Combined Embed) that may also require viewer authentication. In order to make the authentication work, additional steps need to be taken at the end of the authentication flow.
These services provide an url, that has to be used instead of the default pass url. This url is sent in the hashConsumer query parameter by the service to the application.
Example url in the hashConsumer in case of Chat:
Example script in native PHP that can authenticate the player and the services as well
// Given a json token has already been constructed
$json = json_encode($response);
// Default hash consumer for the player
$hashConsumer = '';
$query = [];
// Check if there is a special hash consumer
if (!empty($_GET['hashConsumer'])) {
$hashConsumer = $_GET['hashConsumer'];
// It's recommended to use a better URL parsing
// technique (like PSR-7 implementations)
$parts = parse_url($hashConsumer);
if (!empty($parts['query'])) {
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
// Instead of concatenating url parts it's recommended to use
// a better URL parsing technique (like PSR-7 implementations)
$hashConsumer = $parts['scheme'].'://'.$parts['host'].$parts['path'];
$query['hash'] = $json;
$hashConsumer = $hashConsumer.'?'.http_build_query($query);
header('Location: '.$hashConsumer);